April 23, 2024

Unveiling the Sweet Truth: Is Xylitol Healthy?

In today's health-conscious world, consumers are increasingly scrutinizing the ingredients of the foods they consume. Xylitol, a sugar alcohol commonly used as a sugar substitute, has garnered attention for its potential health benefits and concerns. But amidst the buzz, the question remains: Is xylitol truly healthy? In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the science behind xylitol to uncover its potential health effects.

Understanding Xylitol:

Xylitol is a naturally occurring sugar alcohol found in fruits, vegetables, and birch tree bark. It boasts a sweetness similar to that of sucrose but with fewer calories, making it an attractive alternative for individuals seeking to reduce their sugar intake. Xylitol's popularity as a sugar substitute stems from its minimal impact on blood sugar levels, making it a suitable option for individuals with diabetes or those following low-carb diets.

Dental Health Benefits:

One of the most well-documented benefits of xylitol lies in its impact on dental health. Studies have shown that xylitol can help prevent tooth decay and cavities by inhibiting the growth of bacteria in the mouth, particularly Streptococcus mutans, which is a major contributor to dental plaque and tooth decay. Additionally, xylitol stimulates saliva production, which helps neutralize acids and remineralize tooth enamel, further enhancing its protective effects against dental caries.

Weight Management and Blood Sugar Control:

For individuals striving to manage their weight or control blood sugar levels, xylitol can be a valuable ally. Unlike sucrose, xylitol is absorbed more slowly in the digestive system, resulting in a lower glycemic index. This means that xylitol causes a slower and smaller increase in blood sugar levels compared to table sugar, making it a preferable option for those with diabetes or insulin resistance. Furthermore, its sweet taste can satisfy cravings without the caloric load of traditional sugars, potentially aiding in weight management efforts.

Prebiotic Properties:

Recent research has shed light on xylitol's role as a prebiotic, meaning it serves as a fuel source for beneficial gut bacteria. By selectively nourishing probiotic strains such as Bifidobacteria, xylitol promotes a healthy balance of gut microbiota, which is crucial for digestive health and immune function. A thriving gut microbiome is associated with numerous health benefits, including improved nutrient absorption, reduced inflammation, and enhanced immune response.

Potential Side Effects and Considerations:

While xylitol offers a plethora of health benefits, it's essential to be mindful of potential side effects and considerations. Consuming excessive amounts of xylitol can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, including bloating, gas, and diarrhea, particularly in individuals with sensitive digestive systems. Moreover, some individuals may experience allergic reactions to xylitol, although such cases are rare.

Furthermore, it's worth noting that while xylitol is safe for human consumption, it can be toxic to pets, particularly dogs. Ingesting xylitol can lead to a rapid release of insulin in dogs, resulting in hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), seizures, and even liver failure. Therefore, it's imperative to keep xylitol-containing products out of reach of pets and to seek immediate veterinary care if ingestion occurs.


In conclusion, the question of whether xylitol is healthy is multifaceted. While xylitol offers several health benefits, including dental protection, weight management support, and prebiotic properties, it's essential to consume it in moderation and be mindful of potential side effects. Incorporating xylitol into a balanced diet can be a smart choice for those looking to reduce their sugar intake while still satisfying their sweet tooth. However, as with any dietary decision, consulting with a healthcare professional is advised, especially for individuals with specific health concerns or dietary restrictions. With careful consideration and moderation, xylitol can be a valuable tool in promoting overall health and well-being.

Additional Considerations:

In addition to its direct health effects, xylitol has garnered attention for its potential role in other areas of wellness.

Skin Health: 

Some skincare products incorporate xylitol for its hydrating properties. Xylitol's humectant qualities draw moisture to the skin, helping to maintain hydration and prevent dryness. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory properties may aid in soothing irritated or inflamed skin.

Ear Health: 

Xylitol has been studied for its potential benefits in preventing ear infections, particularly in children. Research suggests that using xylitol-containing nasal sprays or chewing gum may help reduce the risk of middle ear infections by inhibiting the growth of bacteria in the upper respiratory tract.

Bone Health: 

While more research is needed, preliminary studies suggest that xylitol may have positive effects on bone density and strength. Animal studies have shown that xylitol supplementation can improve bone mineral content and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, though human studies are limited.

Blood Pressure: 

Some studies have explored the potential of xylitol to lower blood pressure, particularly in individuals with hypertension. While the results are promising, more research is needed to fully understand xylitol's effects on cardiovascular health.

Mental Health: 

Emerging research indicates a possible link between xylitol consumption and cognitive function. Some studies suggest that xylitol may have neuroprotective properties and could play a role in preserving cognitive health, though further research is warranted.

It's important to note that while xylitol shows promise in these areas, more extensive research is needed to confirm its efficacy and safety. As with any health-related decision, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet or lifestyle.

Future Directions:

As scientific understanding of xylitol continues to evolve, ongoing research aims to uncover new insights into its potential health benefits and applications. Areas of interest include exploring its role in metabolic health, immune function, and disease prevention. Additionally, efforts are underway to develop innovative xylitol-based products that cater to diverse consumer needs, from functional foods to pharmaceuticals.

April 22, 2024

The Sweeth Truth About Baking with Xylitol

Xylitol is a natural compound gaining notoriety as a versatile alternative to sugar. With 40% fewer calories, xylitol is just as sweet as regular sugar, making it a fantastic choice for creating calorie-reduced treats like candies, gums, and mint.

While more people enjoy sweet treats without guilt, the good news is you can use xylitol in baking.

It does behave differently than sugar, but with a few tweaks and minor compromises, you'll soon be enjoying your favorite baked, calorie-reduced treats fresh from the oven in no time.

Benefits of Baking with Xylitol

Xylitol is a sugar alcohol extracted from organic compounds like birch wood or corn crops. Gram for gram, xylitol matches sugar's sweetness with much fewer calories, but that's not the end of its benefits.

  • Xylitol is natural, making it a preferred alternative to artificial sweeteners.
  • It's friendly to teeth because it doesn't promote tooth decay (the bacteria in your mouth don't consume xylitol like they do sugar).
  • The sweetener has minimal impact on blood sugar levels, making it an excellent alternative for diabetics and calorie counters.
  • It remains stable under heat, so you don't have to worry about xylitol losing its sweetness.

How to Substitute Xylitol for Sugar in Baking

You can use xylitol as a 1:1 substitute in your baking recipes, but this can vary from baker to baker. Some people have found they only need half the xylitol, so you should test different ratios to find the right balance of flavors and sweetness levels that keep your sweet tooth happy. 

Adjusting Quantities with Alternative Sweeteners

Combining xylitol with other sweeteners can yield optimum results. When substituting only a portion of a sweetener, use one of similar volume and sweetness and the same type (liquid, granulated, or powdered).

This is the safest way to get the best results, but the method will vary depending on the recipe. Sweetener conversion charts can help you get the exact ratio you need. 

Baking Temperatures and Time Adjustments

Xylitol absorbs moisture quicker than table sugar, so adjusting your baking times to compensate is essential.

Most recipes will be OK with adding the recommended volumes of liquid. However, some recipes may do better with slightly more liquid. If your baked goods are coming out a little dry, then this might be why. As with sweetness levels, experimentation is key to finding the perfect balance.

Xylitol Limitations

Remember that yeast does not metabolize xylitol, so it's not a good substitute for recipes that require rising, like bread. Also, xylitol does not caramelize or reach the 'hard crack' stage like sugar, which means it's not a good substitute for a crème brûlée topping, peanut brittle, or other hard candies.

Health Considerations When Baking with Xylitol

When using xylitol in baking, be sure to consider the potential health effects and precautions associated with this sugar substitute. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Digestive Effects and Recommended Consumption

Most people tolerate xylitol, but some may experience digestive side effects when consuming too much. This is because the sugar alcohols pull water into the intestine or get fermented by gut bacteria, leading to gas, bloating, and diarrhea.

However, the body adjusts well to xylitol, and long-term consumption is entirely safe for most individuals.

Doctors suggest slowly growing your xylitol intake­, allowing your body to adapt to minimize discomfort. One­ study showed people ate­ around 1.5 kg of xylitol monthly, with a peak of 400 grams daily, without issues.

Xylitol and Dental Health

Xylitol has been revealed to have a positive effect on dental health. It significantly reduces plaque on tooth surfaces, reduces the growth levels of pathogenic bacteria, and can bind with calcium ions. In simple terms, it can reduce cavities and remineralize teeth.

Potential Side Effects and Precautions

While xylitol has several health benefits, including its ability to stimulate the immune system, digestion, lipid, and bone metabolism, it’s also important to be aware of potential side effects.

Excessive consumption of xylitol can lead to irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, and other digestive issues. Therefore, only use xylitol in moderation and be mindful of its potential impact on digestive health. Remember, it still has calories, so moderation is always wise.

Dog owners should be careful with where they store xylitol because it can cause hypoglycemia and liver failure in canines. Even small amounts of xylitol can harm dogs. If your beloved pet accidentally gets their paws on your xylitol stash, visit your vet immediately.

Xylitol Baking Recipe Ideas

Are you looking for recipe ideas to build your baking prowess with xylitol? Here are a few delicious ideas to get you started.

Low-Carb Blender Banana Bread

Don't waste your ripe bananas. Use them up in this delicious low-carb Banana bread.

  • Ripe bananas
  • Eggs
  • Unsweetened almond butter
  • Xylitol, almond flour
  • Baking powder
  • Sea salt
  • Sugar-free chocolate chips

See the full recipe for a healthier alternative to traditional banana bread.

Chocolate Almond Butter Brownies

This simple recipe combines cocoa powder, xylitol, vanilla extract, almond extract, and coconut oil to make a tasty treat the whole family will enjoy. You will love the rich, indulgent chocolate flavor without the excessive calories.

Low-Carb Snickerdoodle Cookies

With just 2g of carbs, this recipe is a low-carb treat that's also gluten-free and suitable for paleo and keto diets. The cookies are made with almond flour, baking soda, and coconut flour and taste just like Snickerdoodles but healthier.

Using xylitol in your baking opens up possibilities for serving healthier, tooth-friendly treats without sacrificing taste. When you know how it works in cooking and have fun experimenting with simple recipe adjustments, we are sure you will enjoy the benefits of this natural sweetener for years to come.



February 23, 2024

What Does Xylitol Gum Do? Revealing its Many Benefits

Xylitol chewing gum is more than just a way to freshen your breath—it's a gateway to many health benefits. This naturally sweetened gum is not your average calorie-reduced treat; you can also chew your way to improved oral health.

Xylitol, which gives our gum its health-giving properties, protects against cavities by strengthening your dental defenses, but it can do much more than improve your pearly whites.

Replacing sugar with xylitol has been proven to help with health issues like ear infections, diabetes, and yeast infections. So, how can chewing gum do all these things? This article will tell you everything you need about what xylitol gum can do for you.

What is Xylitol?

Xylitol is a natural sweetener found in many fruits and vegetables. While there are various sources, most commercial xylitol comes from corn cobs and other plant sources. Other plants, including hardwoods, softwoods, and agricultural waste produced from processing maize, wheat, or rice, can be used.

Xylitol sourced from corn cobs is the most economical and environmentally friendly method of xylitol production. Other sources produce waste by-products that cannot be used anywhere else. Products produced from corn cob xylitol can be recycled for mushroom farming, and the pulp can be converted into fuel.

Despite some debate about the different products used to produce xylitol, all forms are identical, regardless of the source.

It's a versatile product that has become more than a sugar substitute. Xylitol's various health-giving properties have proven useful in nasal sprays, toothpaste, mouthwashes, and candies.

Oral Health Benefits

Sugar-sweetened gum increases the risk of cavities by providing fuel for cavity-causing bacteria. Fortunately, xylitol behaves differently in your mouth to deliver some surprising oral health benefits.

It blocks the energy production of plaque-causing bacteria, keeping their population low and causing them to die early. This prevents microorganisms from sticking to your teeth and producing harmful acids that damage the enamel.

Additionally, the presence of xylitol helps reduce populations of S. pneumonia and S. mitis in your mouth.

As with all sweeteners, xylitol boosts the volume of saliva, which is nature's way of cleaning teeth and neutralizing acids. Saliva also washes away particles and bacteria to help keep your mouth and teeth fresh and clean.

The process known as mineralization is another benefit of increased saliva production. As calcium and phosphate-rich saliva flows over your teeth, it deposits these minerals to strengthen the enamel on your teeth.


Broader Health Advantages of Xylitol Gum

Chewing xylitol-infused gum has enormous dental health and hygiene advantages, but that's not all it can do. Regular chewing can:

  • Prevent yeast and ear infections
  • Reduce antibiotic use
  • Help you manage weight
  • Improve skin health
  • Control diabetes symptoms

Xylitol's Low Glycemic Index

Wouldn't it be great to enjoy a sweet treat without worrying about the subsequent spike in blood sugar? Xylitol makes it possible.

Xylitol is healthier because it has a low glycemic index. It doesn't raise blood sugar or insulin levels like sugar does, making it appealing as a healthier sweetening option.

If you are keeping an eagle eye on your sugar intake, losing weight, or managing diabetes, xylitol can help you achieve your health goals, especially if you've been blessed with a sweet tooth.

Ear and Yeast Infections

Chewing on xylitol gum can help prevent middle ear infections in children (acute Otitis). It does this by preventing the growth of bacteria and yeast that cause the infections.

Xylitol gum, lozenges, and syrup can reduce inner ear infections by 22% to 32% in healthy children.

It has also been revealed that it might help prevent pneumococcal diseases like AOM (Acute Otitis Media), a common bacterial infection in young children. [source]

 Reduced Antibiotic Use

The world has become heavily dependent on antibiotics. Unfortunately, germs are getting better and better at resisting medicines, so anything that helps us reduce our dependency can help.

Research on children using xylitol shows 36% less use of antimicrobial drugs compared to those who don't use it.[source]

Manage Weight and Diabetes Symptoms

Children in the States now consume as much as 120 pounds of sugar per year, or 20 teaspoons daily. This exceeds the recommended amount and contributes greatly to the increasing obesity problem in developed countries.

Xylitol is a fantastic alternative because it is nearly as sweet, all-natural, and contains almost 40% fewer calories than sugar.

Yes, xylitol does make a caloric contribution to your diet, so moderation is key. Xylitol has no vitamins or minerals, but it offers health benefits and does not provide empty calories like sugar, which has few to no health benefits.

Skin Health

The health sugar substitute has even shown an ability to contribute to good skin health. Xylitol prevents harmful microorganisms from attaching to your skin and forming biofilm, which can cause various skin issues.

How to Reap the Benefits of Xylitol Gum

Supporting your health and nutrition is easier when you switch to xylitol. For optimal health benefits, it's recommended that xylitol gum is chewed for about five minutes after a meal and 3 to 5 times daily.

Some people may require an adjustment period, so starting slowly and increasing your usage over time is recommended. This way, your body has time to adjust to xylitol, and you can avoid the sometimes uncomfortable side effects, such as diarrhea, from eating too much all at once.

Xylitol - The Healthy Alternative for a Sweeter Life

The journey towards a healthier lifestyle can be sweetened by adding xylitol to your diet. From improving oral health to offering broader health benefits, xylitol is a versatile and beneficial addition to daily routines. Supported by randomized controlled clinical trials, the evidence favoring xylitol's effectiveness is strong, encouraging its use for a brighter, healthier, and sweeter future. Choose the xylitol gum products that suit your lifestyle today.

January 06, 2024

Daily Xylitol Intake: How is Too Much of a Good Thing?

Xylitol is quickly becoming the go-to sugar substitute because of its sweet taste and many benefits, such as its ability to promote dental health and manage blood sugar. As more people opt for healthier, calorie-reduced options, xylitol will continue to grow as a favorite sugar alternative.

If you've been considering adding xylitol to your diet, you're probably wondering if there's a perfect amount of xylitol to consume daily that lets you reap the benefits without going overboard.

What is Xylitol?

Xylitol is a sugar alternative considered natural because small amounts are present in fruits and vegetables. In chemical terms, xylitol is a sugar alcohol, a term used for sweet carbohydrates chemically related to both sugars and alcohols.

Despite the name, sugar alcohols do not contain ethanol, the alcohol found in alcoholic beverages. While xylitol has a sweetness similar to regular sugar, it contains 40% fewer calories.

  • Regular sugar - 4 calories per gram
  • Xylitol - 2.4 calories per gram.

Fewer calories are almost always a good thing when it comes to sweetness, which is why you will find more and more xylitol-containing products such as gums, breath mints, and sweets perfect for diabetics.

calories xylitol sugar weight loss management

How is Xylitol Created?

Xylitol is sourced from various plants, including fruits and vegetables like strawberries, raspberries, cauliflower, and even mushrooms. Commercially available xylitol is extracted from birch tree bark and corn cob husks. Interestingly, xylitol gets its name from "xylose," which means "wood sugar."

In short, xylitol is a completely natural product you already consume in small amounts daily, making it a perfectly safe sugar alternative to use in moderation.

How is Xylitol Different from Sugar?

We already know that xylitol's biggest drawcard is that it contains fewer calories than sugar, but what else sets it apart?

Another key difference between xylitol and sugar, which applies to all sugar alcohols, is they do not spike blood sugar or insulin levels. This characteristic makes xylitol suitable for people who are closely monitoring sugar intake.

Additionally, xylitol has a low glycemic index, so it's a suitable alternative to sugar for people with diabetes, prediabetes, obesity, or other metabolic problems.

Benefits of Daily Xylitol Intake

Should you consider xylitol if you're a healthy weight or are otherwise in good health? There are plenty of great reasons to consider swapping out your teaspoons of sugar for a healthy amount of xylitol.

Dental health benefits

One of the most well-known benefits of xylitol compared with sugar is its positive impact on dental health. Studies suggest that xylitol prevents plaque formation and dental caries by inhibiting the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Chewing xylitol gum or using xylitol-containing products to prevent dental caries in children has been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of tooth decay.

xylitol oral care dental tooth

Potential weight management benefits

Due to its lower calorie content than sugar, xylitol may be used as a part of a weight management plan. It can be a suitable option for individuals looking to reduce their calorie intake while still enjoying sweet-tasting products.

Oral Health Benefits

Studies have shown that xylitol can reduce the amount of plaque in the mouth and help stop cavities. The sugar alternative does not provide any fuel for producing acid in the mouth, which is a huge advantage for protecting the enamel layer on your teeth.

Additionally, many parents have found relief for themselves and their children by using xylitol products to reduce the risk of ear infections in children.

Daily Xylitol Intake - Healthy Moderation

The recommended daily dosage of xylitol for dental cavity prevention is typically 6-10 grams daily. This amount is associated with benefits in reducing the risk of tooth decay and promoting overall dental health.

However, it is important to note that individuals with temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) and difficulty in chewing may find it more suitable to consume xylitol as candy rather than chewing gum.

High dosages of xylitol, in the range of at least 45 grams per day for children and 100 grams per day for adults, have been linked to side effects like diarrhea, so consuming too much is not a good idea.

You will benefit most from xylitol by using it daily as part of an ongoing oral hygiene routine. Of course, using xylitol does not mean you should stop with regular brushing and flossing, as these are still critical for healthy, shiny teeth and fresh breath.

For children, daily brushing with fluoride toothpaste is recommended. Using over-the-counter fluoride mouth rinse can also help with oral health. Adding xylitol into your regular dental care routines can be a valuable addition to the arsenal of tools in the fight against dental decay.

Many will get their xylitol intake from consuming candy and gum, but it also makes a great substitute for sugar in baking. However, if you are considering xylitol for its therapeutic benefits, dosage plays a critical role, as does consistent use.

While xylitol is a healthier alternative to sugar and plays a beneficial role in dental health, moderation is key. Overindulgence can lead to potential side effects like bloating and diarrhea, particularly for those new to this sugar substitute. So, take it slow if you are only just discovering the benefits of xylitol, and dial back your consumption if you notice any discomfort. Always remember that balance in your diet is paramount for overall wellness.

So enjoy your xylitol, but always keep an eye on the quantity consumed to ensure maximum benefits without any drawbacks!
December 23, 2023

Xylitol for Dry Mouth Relief

Dry mouth, or xerostomia, is characterized by reduced or absent saliva flow, leading to discomfort and potential oral health issues. A dry mouth often stems from a mix of health challenges, certain medications, or radiation therapies in the neck and head area.

While not a disease, dry mouth can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life and oral health. Luckily, xylitol, a naturally occurring sugar alcohol, is becoming an effective treatment for dry mouth and a champion for dental health in general.

What Causes Dry Mouth

Saliva is more than just the drool you'll experience at the sight of a Thanksgiving dinner—it keeps your mouth wet, helps break down food, and fights off germs that could lead to infections.

Without sufficient saliva, your mouth becomes dry and uncomfortable, making chewing, swallowing, and speaking difficult. Dry mouth can stem from a mix of causes like medication side effects, cancer treatments such as radiation, or chronic conditions including Sjögren's syndrome and diabetes.

Ignoring dry mouth isn't just uncomfortable; it can lead to cavities, gum disease, infections, and many other dental challenges.  Saliva helps wash away food particles and neutralize harmful bacteria in the mouth, so tooth decay and gum disease are more likely to occur without it. A dry mouth can also mess with your taste and make it hard to eat or talk.

If you're struggling with dry mouth, reaching for sugar-free treats like gum or mints that contain xylitol might just do the trick by boosting your saliva production and keeping things comfortably moist.

The use of products containing xylitol has been shown to be effective in managing xerostomia caused by various factors such as medications and radiation therapy, as well as in preventing dental caries and reducing the levels of harmful bacteria, plaque, teeth erosion, and gingival inflammation.

xylitol chewing gum mints candy sugar free

How Xylitol Works Against Dry Mouth Symptoms

Xylitol reduces the level of Streptococcus mutans bacteria in plaque and saliva by impairing their energy production processes. It not only messes with the energy-making abilities of Streptococcus mutans but also stops these bacteria from clinging to your teeth. Without more places to latch onto, the population of these harmful bacteria in your mouth is greatly reduced.

The Proof is in the Science

Numerous studies have investigated how well xylitol performs in relieving symptoms of dry mouth. Research featured in the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation revealed that a blend of xylitol, olive oil, and betaine is not just effective for tackling drug-induced dry mouth but also comes with a clean bill of safety.

Patients undergoing radiation found a dry-mouth relief in xylitol-rich creams, which not only increased saliva production but made daily life a lot more comfortable. Beyond soothing a parched mouth, xylitol is key in ramping up tooth remineralization, keeping oral pH in check, and cutting down on dental bacteria.

Xylitol can help prevent tooth decay by increasing saliva flow, making plaque less sticky, and reducing the number of cavity-causing bacteria in the mouth.

The unique properties of this sugar substitute prevent bacteria growth and make xylitol an excellent addition to oral care products that improve dental health. It can't be broken down into simple sugars that feed bacteria, which helps to significantly reduce tooth decay.

Besides halting plaque and preventing bacteria from clinging onto a tooth's surface, xylitol is a guardian for your enamel and curbs the growth of cavity-causing germs. The use of xylitol has also been associated with a decrease in plaque formation compared with sugars and other polyols.

chewing gum xylitol mints candy sugar free oral care dry mouth

Xylitol Products to Help with Dry Mouth

There are plenty of great xylitol products that can help you find relief from dry mouth symptoms. Try the following to find the one that works best for you.

Nasal Sprays

Xylitol nasal sprays reduce dry mouth symptoms by treating the underlying causes of nasal congestion and mouth breathing. When your nasal passages are congested, you naturally breathe through your mouth. Mouth breathing reduces saliva flow and increases evaporation that dries out your mouth.

A xylitol nasal spray works by moisturizing and cleansing the nasal passages to promote nasal breathing. Breathing with your mouth closed will encourage the natural flow of saliva and improve your comfort levels.

Spry Moisturizing Mouth Gel

Spry moisturizing gel is specially formulated to gently rehydrate and moisturize dry mouth tissues. The cooling effect created by the xylitol content can deliver relief for hours by stimulating saliva flow.

Its mild flavor and natural ingredients make it a pleasure to use by avoiding the harsh tastes of many other mouth moisturizers on the market. You only require around a teaspoon of the gel, which you place in your mouth and gently swish for about thirty seconds before swallowing.

Sugar-Free Gum and Candies

Chewing on sugar-free gum or sucking on hard candies containing xylitol can improve the flow of saliva. Be mindful of how much you are consuming. Too much xylitol can cause cramping or diarrhea in some people.

Other Tips for Dealing with Dry Mouth

While xylitol is a fantastic remedy for dealing with dry mouth, there are other things you can do should you find yourself without any xylitol products handy.

Reduce caffeine intake and avoid carbonated drinks: Caffeine is well known for its ability to dry your mouth out. Carbonated beverages will raise the acidity level in your mouth and create a higher risk of tooth decay.

Avoid alcohol mouthwash: The alcohol content will increase dryness.

Sip water: Carry a water bottle that you can regularly sip on.

Use a humidifier at night: A humidifier will increase the moisture content of your room at night, which will help prevent your mouth from drying out.

Use a fluoride toothpaste: Check with your dentist about fluoride toothpaste, as these can often help reduce dry mouth symptoms.

Visit your dentist: If you've tried everything and nothing is working, book an appointment with your dentist or doctor. An underlying health problem or a medication may be the cause of your dry mouth.

October 26, 2023

Xylitol: What is it Used For

Are you trying to find healthier ways to satisfy your sweet tooth? Meet Xylitol! This natural sugar substitute is quickly becoming a favorite amongst those turning a new leaf towards a healthier lifestyle. Xylitol produces a natural sweetness comparable to sugar but with fewer calories and several potential benefits.

Curious to learn more about this "sweet secret?" Then this article is for you. We'll tell you everything you need to know about Xylitol, including its many uses, benefits, and potential risks. Discover how easy it is to add this sweetener to your diet, from cooking delicious pastries to enjoying simple things like coffee and tea.

What is Xylitol?

 Xylitol has earned a name in the health and culinary worlds due to its similar taste to sugar but with a lower glycemic index, fewer calories, and no insulin spike. The popular sweetener belongs to a class of compounds known as sugar alcohols or polyols. You can find xylitol in nature because it's present in many fruits and vegetables, so most consider it a natural product rather than an artificial sweetener.

Manufacturers primarily source xylitol from corn cobs or hardwood trees, mainly birch. The extraction process starts by isolating xylan (a polymer in plant cell walls) from the plant material. It is then hydrolyzed into xylose, which is finally hydrogenated to form xylitol. The result is a white, crystalline substance that looks and tastes like regular sugar.

While it has many similarities to sugar, xylitol does have several defining characteristics that make it stand out. Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, xylitol contains 40% fewer calories, delivering just 2.4 calories for every gram.

Half the calorie content of sugar is good news, but a glycemic index of just 7 compared to 60 or 70 for sugar makes xylitol even more exciting.

These characteristics of xylitol make it an ideal substitute for people on a low-glycemic diet. It can also make diabetes easier to manage as people with the disease don't have to give up all the tasty treats that make life more fun.

Health Benefits of Xylitol

Beyond its lower calorie content and reduced impact on blood sugar, Xylitol also stands out for its many potential health benefits.

Let's start with dental health. Unlike sugar, xylitol does not metabolize with the bacteria that cause cavities. Xylitol-containing fluoride toothpaste fights the bacteria that cause tooth decay while helping prevent plaque buildup and cavities.

The sweetener creates a neutral pH level in the mouth, which helps prevent tooth decay and improves oral health. That's why many dentists suggest chewing sugar-free chewing gum or candies that contain xylitol after meals. These same properties make xylitol an excellent addition to mouthwash.

If your goal is to keep your weight in check, xylitol is a great sugar alternative because it has fewer calories. Switching from sugar to xylitol lets you cut down on calories while still indulging in your favorite sweets.

But that's not all; early studies hint at xylitol potentially boosting bone health. Research on rats suggests that the sweetener might boost bone density and enhance mineral content, indicating a potential role in osteoporosis prevention. But we need more research to know the true extent of its benefits.

On top of everything, xylitol could be a game changer for those who often deal with annoying sinus and ear infections. It's added to certain nasal sprays and ear drops to prevent bacteria from sticking, thus helping to reduce the risk of infection.

All these potential benefits help to demonstrate how integrating xylitol into your diet could be the sweetest option in more ways than one. Whether striving for better dental health, managing diabetes, watching your waistline, or looking for bone health support, xylitol is a versatile ingredient. Not all sugars have to leave a bitter aftertaste on your health, and xylitol is living proof. Remember, it's not entirely without calories, so moderation is still key!

Cooking and Baking with Xylitol

When you are craving some sweetness in your day with baked goods, a nice cup of tea, or homemade desserts, it's good to know that you can rely on xylitol to help you indulge without guilt.

One thing cooks love most about Xylitol is it's easy and safe to use in cooking and baking. Unlike other sweetening alternatives that leave a strange aftertaste or change the texture of your food, Xylitol produces a clean, sugar-like taste.

It doesn't affect the food's texture or appearance and has proven heat stability, making it ideal for all sorts of baked goodies, from cookies and cakes to pies and pastries.

The healthier sugar alternative has the same sweetness level as sugar, so you can usually substitute it in a 1:1 ratio in your favorite recipes.  However, there are exceptions to every rule. For example, you can't use xylitol as a sugar substitute in recipes that use yeast to make the dough rise. Xylitol's anti-fungal properties prevent it from reacting with the yeast.

The sweet additive makes a great addition to hot and cold beverages. Sweeten your coffee, tea, homemade lemonade, or smoothies without worrying about the added calories of regular sugar. Even better, it dissolves quickly and leaves no residue, ensuring your drinks have a clean, refreshing sweetness.

Potential Risks and Side Effects of Xylitol

While xylitol is generally safe and beneficial for human consumption, you must be aware of potential side effects before you make it a regular part of your diet. Like other sugar alcohols, xylitol has been known to cause digestive discomfort in some people.

Symptoms may include gas, bloating, and diarrhea. These effects are more pronounced when you first start substituting with xylitol. However, continued use most often results in symptoms subsiding over time.

People with irritable bowel syndrome or other digestive sensitivities should probably approach xylitol (and all sugar alcohols) with some caution. However, it's worth noting that xylitol is considered the least likely to cause issues out of all sugar alcohols.

Xylitol is proven safe for people but is highly toxic to dogs. Even small amounts can cause hypoglycemia, liver failure, and potentially death in dogs. Always keep xylitol-containing products out of reach of your pets. 

When substituting with xylitol, going slow and giving your body time to adjust can usually mitigate minor side effects. Remember that moderation is essential with any sweetener, including xylitol. As the saying goes, "Too much of a good thing..."

We always recommend discussing any significant changes to your diet with a healthcare provider, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions such as diabetes or weight issues. This way, you can get the complete picture of safe quantities and what to expect from your dietary changes.

As you can see, xylitol offers plenty of health and taste benefits,  but it's vital to remember it's still a form of sweetener. Using it as a tool in a balanced nutritional strategy rather than for adding more sweet foods to your diet is the key to harnessing its power for health. A mix of a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and sensible lifestyle choices is the best recipe for a healthier, sweeter life.

October 08, 2023

How Xylitol is Produced

In the 19th century, chemists from Germany and France discovered a safe sugar replacement or sweetener that we call xyiltol. The taste was roughly the same as sugar though it had innumerable benefits over sugar use. It was a huge breakthrough and popularized in Europe because it had no effect on insulin levels, meaning people with diabetes could use it safely.                                                                                 

Typically xylitol is made and produced chemically from wood sugar or xylose. Xylose is formed in the tissue of many plants such as corncobs, coconuts, and birchwood.  Here in the United States, there is a procedure that has been developed to produce xylitol from GM microorganisms. It is also noted that glucose can be the main substance for the production of xylitol.                                                                                                                                                               Xylitol is produced to be a sugar replacement but is also harvested by tapping birch trees that produce birch sap. Birch sap is used in many foods, drinks and flavored candy. Xylitol is also produced and extracted from corn. Although there are a few different ways that xylitol is produced, the most common way is by hydrogenation of xylose, a conversion process that turns the sugar into a primary alcohol. It can also be produced through microbial processes.

An interesting debate in the xylitol world is if xylitol extract is superior from birch trees or corn. Although there isn’t extensive research and hasn’t been clinically proven, what we do know is that the corn source of xylitol is less expensive to produce, much more environmentally friendly and the chemical composition is nearly identical.

Xylitol is also found naturally in low concentrations of fibers. It can be found in berries and other fruits, it is in mushrooms, and vegetables.


October 08, 2023

Xylitol in Oral Rinse


The name describes this oral rinse plain and simple. It’s cool, refreshing, has a delicious minty taste, and because it’s made with xylitol, it provides unique dental benefits.

  • It’s quick and easy to use
  • Reaches parts of the mouth the toothbrush can’t
  • Recommended by health professionals worldwide
  • Proven to improve your oral health 


This oral rinse is amazingly refreshing and just like the other two is made with all natural ingredients which will keep your mouth clean from bacteria.

  • Contains no polysorbate
  • Contains no sodium benzoate
  • Made with a new and improved formula



This unique flavor instantly provides a clean and fresh taste. Here are some tips for best use.

  • Use for at least 30 seconds (60 seconds recommended)
  • Use after brushing (see our toothpaste recommendations)
  • Use at least once daily, morning or night
October 08, 2023

Xylitol and Dogs

Xylitol is clinically proven to be safe for humans and it's becoming increasingly popular because of its usefulness to diabetics, people that may be on a low carb diet or just anyone who is looking for a product to improve dental health. However, due to different biological structure, xylitol can be dangerous to dogs. The purpose of this post is to increase awareness and protect dogs from any accidental ingestion.

Most people throughout the world know that chocolate is harmful to dogs. Chocolate contains a chemical ingredient called theobromine. Theobromine is somewhat similar to caffeine and is extremely toxic to a dog when ingesting between 100-150 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.  Chocolate and xylitol alike are perfectly safe and delicious for humans but potentially dangerous to man's best friend.

Small amounts of xylitol may cause low blood sugar, liver failure, seizures or in some cases death in dogs. When a dog eats xylitol, the process of digestion is completely different. Both dogs and humans have their level of blood sugar controlled by the release of insulin from the pancreas. When a dog eats xylitol, a potent release of insulin from the pancreas occurs because the xylitol is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. The speedy release of insulin results in an incredibly fast decrease in the dogs level of blood sugar. Within 10-60 minutes, the decrease of your dogs blood sugar level could be life threatening. 

It's been reported that between 50 milligrams (mg) of xylitol per pound of body weight (100 mg per kg) is the cause of the rapid decrease in blood sugar level (hypoglycemia). Obviously the higher the dose, the higher the risk of liver failure.


So what are symptoms of dog xylitol poisoning?

  • Difficulty walking
  • Unable to stand
  • Seizures
  • Depression 
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy
  • Coma

    How is xylitol poisoning for dogs treated? 

    If you believe your dog has consumed xylitol then timely treatment is needed. Your veterinarian is essential to removing and reversing all toxic effects and prevent the possible development of severe damage. Your veterinarian may induce vomiting, perform blood work to determine your dog's blood glucose and potassium levels, and may require your dog to be hospitalized for monitoring, liver protectants, intravenous fluids, dextrose administration, and other supportive care. 

    Tips to prevent your dog from eating xylitol: 

    1. Keep your xylitol products sealed and up high where your canine can't reach.
    2. After using xylitol you should put your product in a pantry or cupboard.
    3. Sweep up any accidental spills and make sure you throw away your used xylitol gum.
    4. Inform your family members (especially children) about the dangers of xylitol and dogs.
    5. Keep your xylitol products in a place your dog is not allowed.
    October 08, 2023

    Xylitol Products for Children

    We provide a wide range of products made specifically for children. These products have been clinically tested and proven 100% safe for use. Health professionals worldwide recommend these produces because of the benefits from using xylitol across a wide range of health applications.

    Children’s Nasal Spray

    Our Kid’s Xlear Sinus Care Nasal Spray is very easy to use and was designed so that it can be easily administered by the parent.

    • Comes in an EASY open and use package
    • Is made with natural ingredients and has NO harmful or addictive ingredients
    • The ONLY nasal spray on the market that contains the unique blend of xylitol and saline
    We know how important it is for you and your child to live healthily. This patented nasal spray has proven to help all of the following:
      • Allergies
      • Infections
      • Congestion
      • Nasal dryness

      We recommend daily use and at least twice daily for best results. If you are looking for a safe product that will provide clean nasal passages and moisturizing results than we guarantee you’ll love this product!

      Children’s Tooth Gel


      Our Spry Kid’s Tooth Gel and Baby Tooth Gel Combo Kit are products that your children will absolutely love! Made for children ages 3 months and up, your children can have their choice of three different delicious flavors that bring all of the oral health benefits from xylitol.

      • Comes in Original, Bubble Gum, or Strawberry Banana flavors.
      • Cleans gum, teeth, is safe to swallow, and promotes positive hygiene.
      • Fluoride-Free and made with xylitol and other natural ingredients.
      • Helps maintain and develop great hygiene habits at an early age.
      • Non-allergenic and invented by mom-dental hygienist.

      We believe it’s important for your children to learn to take care of their oral health at a very young age. Our products are the perfect auxiliary in preventing bad hygienic habits.